Frequently asked questions about the KonMari Certification Course
What kind of courses are there?
Since 2020 there are only virtual courses. You need a computer or tablet with audio and video and the Zoom app to participate.
I don’t know if there will be in-person courses in the future. My certification course was one of the last ones in-person.
What does the course cost?
Around $2.250 (early bird price options available).
How big is the KonMari Certification Course?
It depends on how many sign up - some courses might have only 40 participants while others have 100, or more.
Where can I sign up for the KonMari Certification Course?
If you’re interested, you can sign up here.
Will Marie Kondo come to the KonMari Certification Course?
From 2020 until recently in 2023 the FAQ section of the KonMari website said that she can't come to the courses due to the high time demand in the business. In summer 2023 she mentioned on her Instagram account that she will be speaking at some courses. So maybe you are lucky! The course was built with her input and is based on her trademarked KonMari Method® of tidying, and all the trainers are amazing human beings, and are very inspireing.
I loved the other trainers and speakers and incredibly enjoyed getting to know them and learn from them.
Although I felt excited to see Marie Kondo speaking on the stage a few feet away from me, I couldn't talk to her. The KonMari Consultant Program is now too big, and Marie is involved in many more projects that she doesn't have the time to take one-on-one pictures with each consultant in training anymore. She spoke for one hour and then took some time for the group picture with us, and that was it.
Of course, it would have been AWESOME to have a 1-on-1 picture with Marie Kondo. Heck YES! But it's ok. There are so many other inspiring thought leaders in the KonMari community, and you will be for sure inspired! At least that's how I feel about it.
What are the advantages of virtual courses?
You only have to pay for the course fee and not for travel costs. The in-person courses have been in the USA and England, and depending on where you live, it will save you a lot of money to participate virtually and not fly to a far away destination.
What are the disadvantages?
You won’t meet other people in person. However, there break-out rooms and you can get to know other participants. But of course, meeting new people while standing in the coffee line won’t sadly happen.☕️
When I was on the panel at one of the 2021 virtual courses I loved meeting others in the Zoom break-out rooms, and later connected with them through Instagram, and still have contact.
What were the steps* to becoming a certified KonMari consultant?
Read the KonMari books (there are several).
Tidy your home with the KonMari Methode® and take before and after pictures.
Sign up for the Consultant Certification Course.
Create a profile in the consultant portal and upload pictures of your tidied home.
Take a short quiz to show that you've read "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up."
Do the 3-day consultant certification course (not only half of it but the whole course).
Join the KonMari Community (via Facebook groups) > optional.
Conduct at least 10 practice tidying sessions (each 3+ hours long).
You need two clients: With one, you have to do only one category, with the other one you need to do the whole tidying festival, aka all things that the client owns! So choose your clients wisely.
For each session, you need to upload a short report and before and after pictures.
After the certification course is done, you have six months to upload your first report.
Pass the KonMari online exam.
Have a Zoom interview with one of the KonMari leaders.
Do a background check (in the US only) > however, I never had to do that.
Sign the contract and pay the membership fee of $500.
* This is more or less how the process went for me. However, it's possible that the process has changed. So stay flexible. It's just to give you a bit of guidance. 😊
What levels are there?
When you’ve finished the steps mentioned above, you are officially a certified KonMari consultant in level green. These are the other levels you can reach:
Green: 30 tidying hours, of which one client completed their tidying festival (= all their belongings).
Bronze: 150 tidying hours, of which one client completed their tidying festival.
Silver: 300 tidying hours, of which one client completed their tidying festival.
Gold: 600 tidying hours, of which two clients completed their tidying festival.
Platinum: 900 tidying hours, of which two clients completed their tidying festival.
Master: 1500 tidying hours, of which two clients completed their tidying festival.
How can I get out the most of the course?
Schedule enough time to be fully present
After you signed up for the consultant certification course and got the official “you’re in”-email, I would block these three days completely. Try to have no other appointments but to fully concentrate on the course. I think it’s important to come as rested and motivated as possible to make the best out of the three days. Also in case, English may not be your first language, it’s helpful to have lots of energy to get used to it.
Research the different speaker in advance
Find out who the trainers and speakers are through the KonMari course website (or maybe they will send you more details in an email). I recommend checking them out before the course starts. Look at their websites and Instagram channels to get an idea about them and how they work as certified KonMari consultants. Maybe this way, specific questions will pop into your mind to ask them during the course.
Connect with the other participants
Watch out for other participants, trainers, and panelists to see if you’d like to connect with them during or after the course. Maybe there are few people you click with and would like to have a chat after the course. Write down their name so you can reach out to them later.
I tell you - the three days are passing so quickly, and you will see so many faces. So better write down too many names or do some screenshots if this is easier for you.
Would you benefit from business coaching?
Then, schedule a Strategy Session with me here.
Certified KonMari Consultant
Berlin, Germany
No one has to help me to tidy and organize. I've always had a passion for that.
But how do I take the step from my salaried job into self-employment as a tidying coach and KonMari consultant?
Kati was able to explain that to me - in her special approach. Since she was at the same point as I'm now, she could understand all my fears, worries, and questions - no matter how simple they may have been - and went into it with such love and detail that I now feel equipped with a goal and plan to take the next step in my life as KonMari consultant. And not only with a plan but also with confidence and excitement.
Although Kati hardly knew me, she managed to uplift me, encourage me, and help me discover what makes me unique.
Thank you, Kati; I'll work with you again.
Free Resources for you
If you want to go deeper into the KonMari Method®, you can download my KonMari Guide, where I explain every step of the KonMari Method®.
If you are ready to rock and roll and declutter everything you own, I have made a digital KonMari Declutter Checklist.
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