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How I met my husband online, while living in different countries

Was it love at first sight?

In this video, I share how I met my Portuguese husband through an online dating platform while living in Germany. It’s quite a fantastic love story, and I hope you enjoy watching it! 🥰

Make a cup of tea or coffee and hit play! ▶️

Kati’s Profile

I created this eharmony profile in the spring of 2011 - over ten years ago. It's interesting to read all the things I've written back then. Some parts I would not write this way nowadays. I'm astonished how open, honest, and vulnerable (!) I was in my profile.

The one thing I am most passionate about:

I love being creative and expressing myself - it doesn't matter if it's in painting, cooking, scrapbooking, dancing, making music, etc. And I love to spend time with my friends - to eat together, watch a movie, talk about life, or do something fun in the city. But I think the most important thing is my relationship with God - to speak with him about the things I'm happy or worried about, to reflect on my life, to let him talk into my life.

Kati’s Photo Gallery

We were able to show a maximum of 12 photos. I tried to show different sides of myself: Beauty shots (who wouldn’t?!!!), different weights and ages, cool places, with my siblings.

The most important thing I am looking for in a person is:

Someone who similarly loves Jesus as I do. That special mixture of believing like a child and thinking and reflecting about God and the Bible. I’d love to meet a guy who can accept and love me as I am - with my strengths and weaknesses, where I can be myself without wearing a mask of perfectness.

The things I can’t live without:

My friends & family, God, time for myself, music (I love my gospel choir!), movies

My friends describe me as:

Warm, funny, creative, outgoing

Daniel’s Profile

The one thing I am most passionate about:

I’m passionate about everything. I love to learn new things. Especially things that may help me live a better life. Life is worth living. Everyone deserves to be loves and cherished.

The most important thing I am looking for in a person is:

The most important quality is to be communicative and honest. When we talk honestly, nothing is a problem.

Daniel’s Photo Gallery

As you can see, Daniel didn’t use the maximum of 12 photos, but only five. And two pairs of the five are actually almost the same photo. 😂 But I liked him anyways.

The things I can’t live without are:

Air, water, food, books, internet (above all the three first ones are soooo Daniel!)

My friends describe me as:

Kind, caring, loyal, thoughtful


I’m incredibly thankful that we both tried eharmony and online dating. We would have never met in any other way. I lived in my Baptist / evangelical Christian bubble and Daniel in his Catholic bubble. My focus was totally on Germany, the USA, and Spanish-speaking countries, but never on Portugal. 

For me, this is one of the big miracles in my life. A tremendous blessing from God!

If you ever thought to try an online dating website, I want to encourage you to try it out! You never know what adventures await! Leap! And be open to search outside your comfort zone. 🔎

Suppose you haven’t watched the video - please do. I’m sure you will enjoy meeting us in person.

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